Elevating Internal Communication: Shifting from Task Taker to Strategic Partner in Conversations
In many workplaces, internal communication (IC) often gets pegged as a "copy, paste, send" routine. I've lost count of how many times I've been asked to "just send this email out." Even communication team leaders sometimes ask non-communication folks about which channel to use for messages. This behavior screams "order taker" rather than "strategic partner." If we don't change this pattern, IC will remain stuck in its non-strategic role.
Here's a straightforward way to shift this perception. It involves a small adjustment in how you approach discussions. Let's explore this technique using a hypothetical scenario.
Imagine you receive an email from human resources, asking you to send a companywide email reminding everyone about using their vacation days. While it's tempting to comply, there's an alternative approach. This moment presents an opportunity to initiate a strategic conversation instead of a routine task.
Whether through face-to-face interaction or email, respond with a key follow-up: “What are your objectives for this?” Another way to think of it is: “What does success look like?” Here’s why I love this follow-up question:
It makes your internal client stop and think why they need this communication.
It positions IC as a strategic partner, not just a doer.
It opens a conversation that can uncover deeper insights.
It pushes you away from the "everything's an email" mindset.
It makes both sides consider how to share the right message with the right people, in the right way (which might not be an email).
By posing this one follow-up question, you can shift the dialogue from tasks to strategy. This not only enhances your reputation as an IC expert but also yields superior results.