Are You Still on Fire or Burning Out? A Self-Assessment Guide
When you’re an internal communication (IC) team of one, there’s no precedent for what the future looks like. Not having a clear path can be both exciting and daunting. It also means you have to closely watch whether your role is still expanding and you’re feeling fulfilled, or you’ve reached an impenetrable walk. So, ask yourself, are you burning with passion every day or just burning out?
Burning with Passion Looks Like:
Facing challenges that energize you
Feeling motivated
Honing your skills
Continuing to build momentum
Balancing “keep the lights on” activities and interesting, engaging projects
Believing that you’re making a difference
Burning Out Looks Like:
Facing challenges that drain you
Leaving intrinsic motivators by the wayside
Consistently feeling anxious and frustrated, perhaps even angry
Being overloaded or no longer feeling challenged (in a good way)
Feeling that you’re no longer making a difference
If you’re burning with passion, fantastic. That means there’s still more you can accomplish in your role. If you’re burning out though, it’s time to assess whether your current situation is still right for you. You deserve to have your talents recognized and tested in positive ways that help you grow. You are the best judge of what’s the next move in your career.